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Girls Laughing

“Man is what he believes.”
– Anton Chekhov


“If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it, even if I do not have it at the beginning.”
– Mahatma Gandhi



  Happiness in a Snap


How do you create new thoughts to replace your old damaging ones?

How do you use the SnapHappy Band?

What can I use the SnapHappy band for?

How is the band suppose to fit?

What sizes are the SnapHappy bands?

What  will compromise the longevity of the band?

What material is the SnapHappy Band made of?

How do you create new thoughts to replace your old damaging ones?
Here are some tips for creating your new Thoughts:

  1. Start with writing down one thing you would like to change or aquire.  Having a visual will solidify your intent.
  2. Next begin with writing 3 positive statements to say to yourself when that unwanted behavior or thought presents itself.

Be cautious to state what you DO WANT, not what you DON'T WANT.

Our minds cannot process a negative.  For example, if I tell you DO NOT think about a warm Chocolate Chip Cookie... guess what you are thinking about? This is how your unconscious mind works and the words such as “do not,”  “will not,” and “can not” go unprocessed by the mind. Saying these negative words enables you to easily attract the very thing you do not want. So always state what you want.

For example: Statement of change- Lose weight

3 positive statements: (Make the statements reflect your end result.)

  • I am healthy
  • I love my new clothes
  • I am energetic and love to exercise

(Incorrect ways to claim your positive statements.)

I will not eat between meals today. (Guess how many time you will eat today?  Your mind will only hear eat between meals today…YIKES!)

I will not lay around today. (Guarantee your day will be unproductive, because your unconscious mind just heard lay around today, don’t do anything.)

I won’t wear my baggy clothes anymore. (You are telling your mind you will always have baggy clothes.)

For example: Statement of change- quit smoking

3 positive statements:

  • I have strong, clean, healthy lungs
  • I love having fresh breath and smelling clean
  • I am confident

Incorrect ways to claim your positive statements:

I don’t like cigarettes. (Do you remember the Warm Chocolate Chip Cookie?  Guess what?  You just reinforced to yourself that you LIKE cigarettes!)

I will not smoke. (Smoking is all you will be able to think about because your unconscious mind just heard I will smoke.)

For example: Statement to acquire- Happiness

3 positive statements:

  • It feels so good to be happy
  • I'm so happy about my life
  • I notice all the good things that happen in my day
  • I get so excited just thinking about how happy I am

Incorrect ways to claim your positive statements:

  • I will not let other people ruin my day
  • I will not be unhappy
  • I won’t get upset if things don’t do my way

Be careful of the words you choose, particularly following the words "I am." A statement like "I am not smart" gives a direct command to the unconscious to bring this into reality. Obviously, you can command worse results such as I am fat; I am worthless; I am undeserving.  You get the picture. Create only positive thoughts!

Be sure to use the present tense. You must not use or think or write in terms of "someday," "when/then," "If," "I will be." This will always keep your goals in the future.  For example: When I get caught up with work, then I will have time to spend with family. When I make more money, then I will take that vacation to the Islands.  Even though you are just starting your goal let your mind believe that it has been achieved and before you know it, it will be. Give your unconscious mind the message that this reality has already been created in your life.

The unconscious mind has no sense of humor. Any self-depreciating or limiting comments you make about yourself or accept from an outside source is accepted as LAW by the unconscious mind, so say only good things about yourself!

  1. You wear SnapHappy on your wrist and when your unwanted thought or behavior comes in your head you snap the underside of the band and replace your negative thought with one of your positive thoughts.  You will wear the band 24/7.
  2. For it to be effective you must snap the band EVERY time you have your unwanted negative thought or behavior and replace it with a positive one.

Emotion creates motivation. Pain is an emotion that will bring about change.  When we have pain or after we have experienced pain then we are willing to make a change.   (IE: After your house gets burglarized then you get an alarm system.  After you have a heart attack, then do you decide to get healthy.

Change your Thoughts,
Change your Mind,
Change your Mind!

How do you use the SnapHappy Band?

  • Write down one thing you would like to change
  • Write down 3 positive statements to say to yourself when that unwanted behavior or thought presents itself.
  • Wear SnapHappy on your wrist and when your unwanted thought comes in your head you snap the underside of the band and replace your negative thought with one of your positive thoughts
  • You will wear the band 24/7
  • For it to be effective you must snap the band EVERY time you have your unwanted negative thought and replace it with a positive one

What can I use the SnapHappy band for?
They include but are not limited to:

  • Losing weight
  • Quit smoking
  • Confidence
  • Dreams – create any of your dreams
  • Finances – pick the amount you what to earn & earn it
  • Get that job you always wanted
  • Happiness
  • Health
  • Improve your Image
  • Personal relationships
  • Positive Thinking
  • Possibilities- Potential
  • Self-esteem
  • Self- improvement
  • Success

How is the band suppose to fit?
The band stretches and should fit snug not loose.  However, it should not be so tight as to cut off circulation.

What sizes are the SnapHappy bands?
XSmall – 5 ½"
Small – 6"
Medium – 6 ½"
Large – 7"

What  will compromise the longevity of the band?

  • Sun tanning bed
  • Direct Sunlight (IE: dash of a car)
  • Chemicals, oils and lubricants

What material is the SnapHappy Band made of?
The material used to make this band is silicone rubber.  Colors and printing fall under the Federal Government guidelines for lead-free products.